Are you familiar with the podcast Golden State Naturalist with Michelle Fullner?
- Yes you are?! Oh I wholeheartedly agree. Her show is amazing.
- No? Well then, my nature loving friend, You. Are. In. For. A. Treat.
Recently I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Michelle in a Northern California tide pool to talk about seaweed. Specifically favorite edible seaweeds, or as I like to call them: Sea Vegetables.

From our fun conversation she put together this episode that I hope you will find both inspiring and informative (70 minutes). Enjoy!
From Michelle:
“When was the last time you had nori? Have you ever stopped to look at a tangle of seaweed that washed up on the beach? Is seaweed ok to eat straight out of the ocean? What kinds of creatures rely on seaweed?
Join me and Allison Poklemba on the Humboldt coast as we descend into the intertidal zone to taste seaweed fresh from the ocean and discuss all of the questions above and more.”

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